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Application Value Of Outdoor 3D LED Screen

2021.on May 26

With the widespread application of 5G and 8K technologies, the future of naked-eye 3D high-definition LED displays is even more immeasurable. The upgrade of outdoor LED displays is also imperative to make outdoor LED large screens more intelligent.


1. Precise delivery, covering the target circle at zero distance. Outdoor large LED screens are mainly concentrated in the urban core CBD business district, traffic arterial roads with dense traffic, high-end residential walls, etc., providing advertisers with rich and accurate placement options. LED large-screen advertisements are concentrated in areas with high and vigorous urban consumer demand and have huge space value. The LED large-screen advertising in the core business district has three characteristics: the cost per 1,000 people per day is as low as 68 yuan, the traffic volume is as high as 850,000 per day, and the stay in front of the screen is about 7 minutes per person.

2. The value of precise marketing and the aggregation of target groups. LED large-screen advertisements are concentrated in locations with high consumer demand and economic activity, and closely follow the consumer’s life and work scenes, allowing the target group to lock the brand name immediately, ensuring the advertising’s effectiveness Accurately reach and improve marketing value. According to related data research, most of the outdoor LED screens are locked in stable and stable jobs. Among them, 32% and 74% of middle and senior managers and people with a college degree or above are respectively. White-collar workers account for more than 60%. Relatively strong, especially focusing on products such as technology products, financial management, automobiles, tourism, apparel, and real estate.

3. the conversion of advertising effects can help audience recognition and advertising effect conversion. An incredibly significant feature of outdoor LED large-screen media is that it attracts the attention of target audiences within effective time. Both advertisers and media operators are more inclined to use outdoor LED large-screen media. The advertisements of powerful big brands and leading brands in various industries are played on the screen media. Because this kind of media has a greater influence on the improvement of brand and product impression, and it has a deep impression on the audience for a long time, the audience behaviour is affected by the advertisement. The subsequent behavioural intentions will play a decisive role in consumer purchases.

4. Demonstrating the value of "high-end" brand, establishing a high-quality brand image, predictable from the data, in the eyes of the audience, LED display advertising has a more shocking, strong three-dimensional visual impact, high quality and high-end compared to canvas advertising and light box advertising. The advantages of fashion, huge area, and eye-catching stand out, so that the brand and product advertisements put on it have a "high-end" image value and increase the audience's acceptance of the brand.

5. High to the rate, effective coverage of the audience, to achieve the rate of up to the rate, the outdoor LED large screen has a large screen area, clear picture quality, brilliant colours, can bring strong visual impact, and it is easy to attract the audience's attention, which is beneficial to LED The effective transmission and understanding of large-screen media information, coupled with the characteristics of wide audience coverage, can achieve a high rate of reach.

6. Unique space value. Most of the large outdoor LED screens are set up in the core business districts of the city, as well as some other places with a large flow of people. With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, these prosperous business districts, and functional places It has become the main venue for urban mainstream people. Therefore, outdoor LED large-screen media has the characteristics of scarcity and core. This media form has great marketing value and quality.

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